Featured Opportunities
Make an impression with every SPI, ESI, and Smart Energy Week attendee where it all begins – Registration.
Opportunity includes:
- Logo featured on back of every badge
- Logo incorporated into onsite registration branding
- Logo recognition in event promotional emails for attendee registration
- Logo recognition on Registration webpage
- Logo recognition on Registration Confirmation email
- Logo recognition in the Registration portal
- Logo recognition in promotional materials sent out for attendee registration
- Logo recognition in the printed exhibt hall map
Mobile App Presenting Sponsor
The mobile app features interactive floor plan, exhibitor list, interactive speaker info and conference program, event alerts & reminders and live activity posts. The app comprises a range features to assist attendees and will be heavily promoted throughout the lead up and duration of the event.
Opportunity Includes:
- Recognition as presenting sponsor in App Launch email (as time allows) and in onsite signage promoting the mobile app
- Logo placed exclusively on Loading Screens every time App is launched
- Home Screen Banner Ad
- 1 (one) Rotating Banner Ad position (only 6 available in total) throughout the entire mobile app, including schedule pages and exhibitor pages
- 1 (one) push notification per day during the conference
Watt Level Sponsorship
Opportunity Includes:
- 1 Full Conference pass
- 1 Expo Hall Only Conference passes
- 10,000 priority points for next year's NASEW booth selection
- Fifth-level logo placement on Banner in prominent location
- Fifth-level logo placement in virtual recognition pieces
- Fifth-level logo placement on the NASEW Website
- Fifth-level logo placement in the NASEW Mobile App